sunshine and whiskey with jen

Book Title:
The Body Keeps the Score
Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma
Written By: Bessel Van Derkolk MD
Book Title:
When the Body Says No
Exploring the Stress Disease Connection
Written By: Gabor Mate MD
Book Title:
The Wizard of Oz & Other Narcissists
Coping with the one way relationship in work, love, and family
Written By: Eleanor D. Payson, MSW
Book Title:
Untangling Relationships
A Christians Perspective on Codependency Workbook
Written By: Pat Springle
Book Title:
Don't Call it Love
Written By: Dr. Gregory L Jantz and Dr. Tim Clinton

Our Journey with PTSD

Teach Her That She Matters - Here
Teacher Her That She Matters Part 2 - Here
Walking the Journey Towards Peace.Trust.Strength.Discipline - Here
Learning to Let the Light In - Here
Finding Peace.Trust.Strength.Discipline when you are in a marriage where PTSD is present - Here
Allow Yourself Time - Here
Stick Figure Therapy - Here
Keeping a Steady Hand in the ReShuffle - Here
Becoming Your Spouse's PTSD Partner - Here
Would You Marry Yourself? - Here
When Your Peace and Safety are Compromised - Here
Put Your Shoes On - Here