The cherubs lined up.
Such cute ones they were.
With horns and tambourines,
They played like the ones from her dreams.
Guiding her home
St. Michael stood protecting her.
Singing with the seraphim,
“Holy, Holy, Holy!”
Her chariot - it glistened -
Sparkling in green and gold.
Fancy - more exquisite than her Cadillac.
The dominous giggled
Wielding rainbows and orbs of light
As they twirled their sceptres
And jousted with their swords.
This is grandma coming home after all!
Teeny, tiny miracles were performed that day.
If you look around you will see.
Those who had gone before her were there
Lifting her towards the throne.
Gabriel announced her entrance.
Uriel stood lighting the way.
Raphael stood presenting her to God.
There were several tiny angels.
Their heads peeking out from behind,
She couldn’t see them until she stood.
They were the little ones she had never held.
Oh what a moment that was!
How she loved them.
She smiled a wide and joyful smile.
The other angels swooped in.
Singing songs of praise.
“Alleluia to God most high!”
God grinned ear to ear and with open arms
“Welcome home daughter! Welcome home!”
The day they called Mama home
Was just an ordinary day, you see.
But there beyond the universe,
Beyond what we can see
Lies a greater universe
The one that we are promised.
And, it is there that the full power
Of God is present
And all of the angels and saints
Line up to sing
To welcome Mama to her eternal home.
Oh what a day, what a day that was!
In memory of my grandmother, Edna Shimek - August 1933 - July 2020.
Have a beautiful day ya'll!
All My Love,
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