Congratulations! You did it! We did it! Over the past 9 weeks we have learned so much about ourselves and developed a more intimate, more loving relationship with God and others. Let’s take a moment to reflect on what we have learned.
We were reminded to enjoy every moment of getting to know ourselves more intimately.
We were refreshed, excited, calm, and grounded as we stood in front of the mirror and reminded ourselves over and over again about all the good that is in us.
We were reminded that God has a very specific plan and purpose us. He asks us to listen, to trust, to let go and allow Him to lead. Be still, he says.
We were reminded that our life is a beautiful song and to choose it each and every day.
We remembered that we all learn and grow together. We learned to become more thoughtful about pulling our tone and choice of words from a place of love which can sometimes move mountains that we once thought were unmovable.
We learned that it's okay to be sad or frustrated or bummed out, but we don't need to stay there. We learned how to back out of that door and stand in the hallway where God’s got us wrapped. God’s got us covered. And, it’s all going to be okay.
We were reminded that at times we want to bottle up and hold onto forgiveness, but forgiveness is not meant to be kept in a bottle. Instead, it is meant to be poured out.
We learned that joy is like the brightest beam from the sun warming our heart and setting it on fire! It’s like the light from the lighthouse guiding us effortlessly, safely and quietly to our destination.
I truly hope that you have enjoyed working to become more and more on fire for life and at the very least have learned a little more about yourself and the way in which you interact with the world. It is my greatest hope that moving forward we are all able to walk forward carrying a little more love and joy in our hearts.
For your final day of deeper work click here!
Have a beautiful day ya’ll! Take care!
All My Love,
To view the On Fire for Life series click here.
