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  • Writer's pictureJennifer Frnka

30 Days of Prayer for PTSD - Day 19

God’s love is living in our hearts. His spirit completely embodies who we are. Romans 5:5 reminds us of how his “love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit.”

The National Center for PTSD reminds us that “when you have PTSD, the world feels unsafe” it can be hard to get out of bed at points; you can feel “on edge” and lose interest in the things that once brought you joy. According to the National Center for PTSD, this can happen “after a traumatic event” or “for some people, PTSD symptoms may start later.” Experiencing trauma of any kind can make it difficult to see where God’s love has totally embraced you. Though He remains faithful to us and reassures us that “before I formed you in your mother’s womb I knew you” (Jeremiah 1:5).

Moving through post-trauma can require energy and discipline unlike any other. Sometimes we do need to withdraw for a time to spend more time focused on ourselves and our loved ones while we heal. Often when life changes unexpectedly our traumas can be further triggered or even severely impacted. We have a few options, flee, fight, or quietly sit down.

In our family, God sat us down right in front of an EMDR therapist where we paid “attention to a back-and-forth movement or sound while [we] call[ed] to mind the upsetting memory until shifts occur[ed] in the way that [we] experience[d] that memory and more information from the past [was] processed” (National Center for PTSD). Though I was never diagnosed with PTSD, my husband was and as a result I exhibited some of the symptoms, plus I did deal with my own trauma that needed to be fully addressed which is why this therapy was chosen as part of my healing journey.

EMDR, is not a one size fits all type of therapy, nor is the information on Get Strong with Jen! one size fits all. Rather, there may need to be things that are done slightly different in order to achieve the results that are best for you. You will want to work with a trained counselor or specialist to create a program unique to you. You can learn more about the different types of treatment here.

When you are finally able to release those feelings of being lost, alone, and abandoned, God's love just flows so naturally. His love encompasses you. Peace and joy come naturally too.

Heavenly Father, thank you for walking with us and helping us to see that despite what our world may look like right now, the best is yet to be. Thank you so much for moving us from post-traumatic stress to a life filled with more peace, trust, strength, and discipline. We pray Lord, that where there is still an uneasiness in our spirit that you steady us. We pray that where there is still darkness in our home and our hearts that You shine Your light so bright that we cannot help, but stop and notice the way in which You are moving. Lord where we are lacking in discipline we trust that You will continue to strengthen us and help us to know Your peace. Amen.

Ya’ll have a beautiful day!

All My Love,


Sources for this Article:

Van Der Kolk, B. (2019). The Body Keeps The Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma. Penguin.

For more information about Get Strong with Jen! click here.

To view 30 Days of Prayer for PTSD - Day 18 click here.


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