Living with PTSD can be a continual cycle of change, walking into a new place everyday never knowing who you are going to meet there, even though yours is still the exact same face.
Sometimes when you look in the mirror you see the person that you know you are: strong, confident, unblemished, forgiven, beautiful. Sometimes when you look in the mirror you do not even recognize yourself and other times you do not even have the strength, the will, or the fortitude to lift your head to look into the mirror.
On those days when the changes seem too much to bear, I want to encourage you to hold onto HOPE (Heavenly Ordered Protective Equipment):
Hold your head high
Open your heart to all the love and blessings heaven has in store for you.
Plant your feet firmly on the ground. Close your eyes. Breathe in.
Envision yourself as the strong and beautiful person you are.
Heavenly Father, thank you so much for calling us to hold onto hope and the life that you ordered for us.
Ya’ll have a beautiful day!
All My Love,
For more information about Get Strong with Jen! click here.
To view 30 Days of Prayer for PTSD - Day 17 click here.
