We started this prayer journey for PTSD by looking at how we can troubleshoot PTSD similar to the way that one might troubleshoot a machine. We could tell from the beginning that there were some things that were similar, but mostly things that are very different because we are not machines, but humans with beating, sometimes broken hearts, filled with emotions that we are still learning to recognize and feel, and a world around us that is not always predictable which makes troubleshooting challenging because at times there can be so many layers.
In The Body Keeps the Score, Van Der Kolk suggests that “working with trauma is as much about remembering how we survived as it is about what is broken” (215). The true nature of our self-preservation behaviors anchored us enough to get through the trauma, but over time the stress of the trauma caused us to get caught in a cycle of self-preservation trusting little to no one which caused us and our bodies to go into a state of confusion. Our natural rhythms; compromised.
Today, take a moment to think back to how you behaved under circumstances of stress when you were young. Preferably before any trauma that you can remember occurred. How did you react to the world around you? What stories have you heard about the kind of child that you were? Were you joyful? Laughing? Did you cry? Were you curious? Did you seem to have an understanding of the world around you? The direction or way in which you should go? Were you excited about life? Did you build and create? Did you play?
While this is not true for all of us, most of us can think of at least one person that we felt safe with when we were young and can help us to recall the kind of child that we were. Consider taking a moment today, to connect with them and schedule time to talk. Learning more about your natural rhythm might be the very thing that helps to anchor, guide, and sustain you as you move forward.
Heavenly Father, thank you for anchoring me in your truth. Thank you for helping to shape me and provide me with the people, tools, and resources to set me back to a steady pace. Thank you for restoring the natural rhythms in my life. I am enjoying this life filled with more peace, trust, strength and discipline, but most especially this life with You. Have a beautiful day, Lord. Amen.
Ya’ll have fun today!
All My Love,
Sources for this Article:
Van Der Kolk, B. (2019). The Body Keeps The Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma. Penguin.
For more information about Get Strong with Jen! click here.
To view 30 Days of Prayer for PTSD - Day 16 click here.
