I come from a place filled with clouds and rain,
I like the sound of wind when it flows through the air,
I miss being able to smile when I am in good care,
I long for love, friendship and more making my heart hurt even more.
My safe haven is getting lost in my books and not caring anymore,
I feel most alive when I can feel the rain burning
through my skin giving me life again.
If I could go anywhere, it would be New Zealand feeling the green of the grass,
While running through the fields away from my thoughts and regrets.
My parents say I am unique and loved but,
What I really am is broken and feeling lost like a person without a lifeboat.
I dream of a field of roses and being able to hide from my thoughts,
In the world of trees and rain feeling the fresh,
breeze on the ground against my brain.
I am terrified of being lost and never finding a way out,
And always being stuck under dark clouds and rain.
This poem was written by our daughter. She prefaced sharing it with me by saying "Before I share this I want you to know I am okay" and I believe that she is. I think it is a brave reflection of what she and some of her peers are feeling as they prepare to head into our world.
If you are the parent of a teen, I want to encourage you to check in on them. Hold them close and let them know that they are deeply loved.
Ya'll have a beautiful day!
All My Love,
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