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  • Writer's pictureJennifer Frnka

Hands Down Action - Taking Chances

This past week marked three years since my grandmother passed away, and two years since we began the clean-up process at Grandma and Grandpa’s home. The task is slow but much needed in a family of eight children, giving everyone time to process and reminisce. "Hands down," it provides space for exciting conversations where everyone bursts with joy to share their part of the story.

Speaking of "hands down," we stumbled upon that game among a treasure of toys. It was a delightful find, and the room quickly erupted into expressions like "Oh my goodness!" and "Oh my gosh, I remember that game!" as each generation recounted stories of playing the game.

None of us could quite remember how the game went, but we knew it involved cards and, of course, slapping down the color of the hand you were assigned to. Most frequently though the rules didn't matter, and we just slapped as hard and quick as we could when someone yelled "Go!"

Lots of laughter, fun, and even a few arguments were had. When you are young, you can argue about some pretty silly things, like "You slapped your hand down before we said go!" or "You didn't give me a chance."

Similarly, in life, taking chances can lead to some of our most memorable and fulfilling experiences. We all encounter opportunities that could use a little "hands down" action.

It could be as simple as trying out a new hobby, reaching out to someone you admire, asking to mend a broken relationship, or just simply making the decision to slow down and breathe in each day.

Embracing these chances, even if uncertain, can lead to unexpected joys and growth. So, I encourage you to think about what "hands down" action you can take to add simplicity and fulfillment to your life.

Now I'm curious, what in your life would benefit from some "hands down" action? What are some of the places where you think you might take a chance?

Ya'll have a beautiful day!

All My Love,


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Hands Down Action - Taking Chances
Hands Down Action - Taking Chances


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