“Let your eyes look straight ahead; fix your gaze directly before you” Proverbs 4:25.
When my grandparents passed away and we began to clear away the boxes of old newspapers, magazines, and other items they collected over the years, some of the things that we found helped us to learn more about history, what life was like during certain times, and often helped us to recall a favorite memory.
In many ways I learned more about my grandparents through this very act of cleaning up. There were stories unearthed, things discovered or rediscovered. Trials and tribulations that they faced individually, as a couple, and a family. Looking through the lens of love, I recognized God’s hand, His heart in it all.
Similarly, as I consider more about troubleshooting PTSD, part of clearing our trauma not only involves us clearing ourselves mentally, but also the environment around us. Many times when we live with post-trauma the world around us does too. The very act of clearing a space, organizing a room, going through old boxes and papers also helps us to quietly move through the trauma. Whether it is letting go of something that reminds us of the pain or simply being reminded about how deeply loved that we are. Adding prayer during the experience can add an extra layer of beauty and healing to the experience too.
This process of cleansing and clearing is a beautiful reminder that God was all in, is still all in, and will always be all in. He does not leave us, but only pulls us closer to Him. He is always committed to us, if we only commit to Him.
Heavenly Father, thank you so much for this time of cleansing and clearing. It is not necessarily the place we would like to be in, but it helps us to recognize and remember that You have always been there pulling us closer to You and helping us to know that we are deeply loved. Amen.
Y’all have a beautiful day!
All My Love,
For more information about Get Strong with Jen! click here.
To view 30 Days of Prayer for PTSD - Day 22 click here.
