Be Kind
Ephesians 4:32: Be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you.
Being kind seems easy enough to do, but sometimes we can find ourselves in places of hurry, irritability, frustration, or anxiety and suddenly we have not thought about the way in which we have said something. We react in a negative way or don’t react to something that was critical to our spouse or maybe our tone was not the warmest or welcoming.
Being kind can sometimes be so easy, yet at other times it can be so hard. So let’s talk about some ways that we might be kind to our spouse.
Politely ask for their help to complete a task. Maybe even preparing them in advance or being understanding when they are unable to help.
Be generous with your compliments towards your spouse. Tell them how beautiful or handsome they are. Say "Thank you." Remind them of how important they are in your life. Let them know that you love them.
Be friendly. Ask yourself “If my friend did ____ or said _____. How would I respond?” We tend to respond in a loving, respectful, warmhearted way towards them.
Show your spouse affection. Hug them. Hold their hand. Give them a kiss. Put your head on their shoulder. Flirt with one another.
Be agreeable. Being agreeable does not necessarily mean that you agree with them, but that when you disagree you respond in a pleasant manner.
Every once in a while turn off what you want to do and turn onto something they enjoy doing.
Being kind can be hard to do sometimes, especially if you are working to rebuild a relationship. We want to encourage you to be gentle with yourself and your spouse.
Take it one step, one polite and agreeable response at a time.
Ya’ll have a beautiful day!
All My Love,
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