Jennifer Frnka

Sep 5, 20222 min

Regroup and Rest in the Rhythm

God calls us to work. It’s something He does and something He has given us the gift to be able to do. Equally important though is time to rest and regroup.

As parents raising children, single people helping out friends and family and perhaps raising their own children, grandparents pitching in with their children and grandchildren, volunteers serving their community, and people who work in positions that sometimes require overtime or travel hours for days or weeks at a time, finding the time to rest and regroup can be a challenge.

God worked for six days then rested on the seventh. He asks us to keep the Sabbath Holy and spend much of the day with Him. I wonder though what might happen if we could work a small sabbath time into each day. What might our life look like? Would we find peace? Could we overcome and conquer challenges we might not have otherwise?

What would happen if we worked in time during each day to step away from our work or just bow our head for a moment to check in with our Lord or perhaps ask Him to bless the person we last visited with?

When we are “joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer” (Romans 12:12) God seems to work in ways we could have never imagined. He helps us to regroup and align our priorities. Giving Him space one day a week is definitely important, but giving Him space everyday of the week helps us to reorganize ourselves in the event of a setback or disappointment. It provides space for God to “renew a steadfast spirit within [us]” (Psalm 51:10). And, gives us the opportunity to “be transformed by the renewing of [our] mind” (Romans 12:2).

As you get into the rhythm of an at least daily sabbath, you can anticipate that God’s transformative love will provide peace and joy at a level that knows no bounds and look forward to a fresh and invigorating rest of the day.

Finding a rhythm can be a bit of a challenge, so take time this week to pray and ask God to help you to pause and show you moments where you can visit with Him. If you wake up during the night- pray. When you fill your cup- pray. When you get up from your desk- pray. When there is a commercial break in the game - pray. When you feed the littles- pray. When you go on a walk -pray. When you are sitting at a red light or in traffic- pray. When you make or finish a phone call- pray, or read scripture, listen to a Christian song, or podcast. Do something that brings you into His presence. Seek out and look forward to many more moments throughout the day to spend with Him. Perhaps even attend a daily mass or listen to a sermon online.

Regrouping through prayer, most likely won’t change your life the moment you start, but through a series of small, consistent, daily moments of time with our Lord, you will find rest in the rhythm no matter how much work you have to do.

Ya’ll have a beautiful day!

All My Love,


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