PTSD Awareness Month ends today. We would like to thank everyone praying for those impacted by PTSD as we work to move from a post-traumatic mindset to one filled with peace, trust, strength, and discipline.
Our family launched the Get Strong with Jen website last June and are excited to know that some of you have started on your own journey to finding more peace, trust, strength, and discipline in your life. In our home we have learned to celebrate even the smallest wins. We encourage you to take a moment today to celebrate you and your family --- even if it is just something small.
Life is not always sunshine and rainbows, but when you are surrounded by love there can be sunshine and rainbows every day!
Our prayer today:
Lord, thank you so incredibly much for your gifts or grace and mercy and especially your gift of healing! We know that You want all of Your children to be successful. At times though, especially after a traumatic event we can get caught in a cycle of worry and fear, reliving the experience or pieces of the experience repeatedly in our mind distracting us from our true purpose. Lord, help us to become so disciplined that we consistently turn to You in those moments and lay our worries, our fears, our negative experiences at the foot of the cross trusting that You are working for our highest good. Help us to find the strength to refocus our energy and time on the greater plans that you have for us and bring us peace even amid the storm. Thank you Lord for Your great love! We love you and are so honored to be a part of your kingdom!
Ya’ll have a beautiful day!
All My Love,
To view previous days of Prayer to Heal PTSD click here.
To learn more about Get Strong with Jen! click here.
